LCS By-Laws
BY LAWS of the
The Lake County Superintendents Association (LCS) believes that the quality of administration of the schools has a direct effect on the ability of the schools to deliver required programs and the ability of students to maximize their learning potential.
This not for Profit Corporation shall be known as the Lake County Superintendent Association, hereinafter referred to as “LCS”.
To align the work of the LCS to the work of the Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA)
To maintain liaison relationships with IASA and other professional state and local associations
To provide for the permanent organizational structure of LCS.
To provide professional development opportunities for member superintendents and their districts.
To provide networking opportunities for all members and mentoring opportunities for superintendents new to their positions or new to Lake County.
To develop positions on issues important to the education of students in Lake County public school districts.
To provide support, information and collegiality for public school superintendents in Lake County.
Any superintendent under contract as a full time, part time, county wide or interim superintendent in a school district in Lake County shall be eligible to become a voting member of LCS upon payment of annual dues.
Any superintendent having retired out of Lake County is eligible to become an ex officio LCS member without payment of dues. Retired LCS members are not permitted to vote.
Annual dues shall cover the period of any single fiscal year from July1 through June 30. The executive board shall annually determine the cost of such dues.
The executive board shall be comprised of the officers of LCS.
The executive officers of LCS shall be the:
President elect
Past president
Each officer shall serve a term of one year except for the treasurer who shall serve a term of three years. A progression of secretary to president elect, to president, to past president is the expectation.
Members interested in seeking the Secretary role or the Treasurer’s role at the end of the term will submit their interest and qualifications for the desired role to the President Elect.
Officers shall be elected by a simple majority of a quorum of LCS present at the time of the election. At the discretion of the President, such election shall be by either voice vote or written ballot. An uncontested slate may be elected in its entirety. If any nomination is contested, each office must be voted on individually.
Each officer shall assume office on July 1 following the election.
In the event of a vacancy, the Executive Board shall appoint a successor to complete the balance of the officer’s term. If the vacancy is the President, the President elect shall assume the duties of the President, including the appointment of a successor to the President elect.
Committee chairs and representatives will submit their interest and qualifications for a desired role to the president elect when the roles become available or the terms expire.
Committee chairs and representatives shall be elected to respective positions in the same manner as the officers as outlined above.
The officers for the LCS shall include the following: President, President Elect, Past President, Secretary and Treasurer.
The president shall be the principal executive officer of the LCS and shall in general supervise the business and affairs of the LCS
The president calls meetings, sets agendas, facilitates the meetings and insures the timelines and functions of the association are met;
The president represents LCS at those events at which representation is invited or expected.
The president shall sign contracts on behalf of LCS with the authorization of the Executive Board of LCS.
President elect
The president elect acts in the absence of the President
The president elect coordinates the work of the task force(s) appointed by the President.
The president elect coordinates the nominating and voting process for superintendent of the year, open executive offices, and open representative roles.
Periodically reviews IASA by laws and policies and to support the work of LCS
Past President
The past president shall serve as a member at large on the executive board regardless of active or retired status
The secretary takes and distributes minutes and is the custodian of such minutes following their approval by the membership
The secretary shall publish all required meeting notes and conduct all correspondence of LCS.
The secretary records all attendance at executive board meetings and general membership meetings.
The secretary communicates needed information and
The secretary oversees the development of any publications
The treasurer oversees the financial information of LCS.
The LCS shall have appropriate financial accounts at legally chartered banks in the State of Illinois to provide for credits and debits to LCS.
The treasurer provides for an audit of the financial information upon installation and at least one other time during the term of service and
The treasurer monitors invoices and receipts related to such invoices and keeps accurate records of all receipts and expenditures reporting to the membership such transactions on a monthly basis.
The Treasurer and any employee of LCS who works directly with the Treasurer shall be bonded for an amount equal to one full year’s receipts deposited in the account of LCS.
All officers shall serve on the executive board, as provided for in these By-Laws.
LCS Committee Chairs and Representatives shall include the following: IASA Professional Development, IASA Membership, IASA Legislative, IASA Board, IASA/ISBE Advisory, IASA/ISBE Liaison, the LCS Conference Advisor, Mentoring Chair, and Drive-In Coordinator. At the discretion of the President, additional members may be appointed.
The Executive Board shall establish all committees and is itself a committee for the purpose of meeting monthly to organize the monthly meetings, review reports or actions that may be brought before the LCS and to promote an active voice for superintendents in Lake County and with officials of the State of Illinois. As representatives of LCS, the Executive Board works to promote the profession of the superintendent and to improve education for all children in Lake County. The Executive Board shall have the authority to direct the President of LCS to sign contracts on behalf of LCS.
The Professional Development Chair will be involved in the design and development of high quality, affordable staff development for Lake County districts, superintendent professional development through the IASA leadership series and Lake County Superintendent mentoring. The committee will also monitor the activities of the Illinois Administrators Academy and assist the membership with issues related to current topics at the local, state and national levels and related issues of administrator certification, re-certification and alternative administrator certification.
The Membership Chair is responsible for the recruitment to and retention of members in the association. All new superintendents in the county will be contacted no later than July and invited to join LCS and IASA as well as be assigned a mentor.
The IASA Legislative Liaison will work closely with the IASA associate director to monitor those legislative and otherwise political activities that may impact Illinois public schools. Further, the liaison will also serve as one of the region’s representatives to the governmental strategies delegation, participate in the Alliance Political Action Committee activities and be responsible for input on all legislative platform decisions,
The IASA Board Director is elected to sit on the IASA Board for the Lake County Region of IASA. The Board meets periodically with the IASA Executive Director and staff to approve the agenda, to approve the budget and financial transactions of the organization and to set the policy and direction for the organization. The Board Director is expected to seek feedback from local membership and represent such views to the IASA Board of Directors.
The IASA/IASB Liaison collaborates with the IASB Field Services Director to maintain support for issues related to both organizations.
The IASA/ISBE Advisory is a member of the Advisory Committee to the State Superintendent of Education. The liaison meets periodically with the State Superintendent of Education and staff to foster relationships and increase the flow of pertinent information between ISBE staff and the LCS. The chair is expected to discuss State Board initiatives and offer input prior to the finalization of those initiatives. The ISBE Liaison is expected to seek feedback from local membership and represent such views to the State Superintendent and State Board of Education.
The Conference Advisor plans, coordinates, implements and administers the Fall Conference for LCS. The Advisor is assisted by the professional development committee.
The Mentoring Chair collaborates with IASA to provide mentoring opportunities for new LCS members.
Drive-In Coordinator facilitates meetings to discuss topics important to the Superintendency.
All income accruing to LCS shall be expended in support of such purposes as stated in Article II.
No part of any assets shall be used to benefit any individual member or officer of LCS, or of any private individual, except as may be reasonable and approved by the membership to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered, or to pay for expenses encumbered in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II.
The LCS fiscal year shall begin on July 1 and end the following June 30 with dues to be paid by October 1.
Regular LCS expenditures shall be reviewed by the executive board, approved by the membership and paid by the treasurer.
Checks must be signed by the president, treasurer, or the administrative assistant to the treasurer.
LCS shall hold regular business meetings on a monthly basis beginning in September and ending in May.
The executive board shall meet monthly for the purpose of preparing for regular business meetings.
All executive board meetings shall be open to the membership or to other persons at the discretion of the executive board.
A simple majority of the executive board members shall be required to hold a meeting of the executive board.
Special meetings of the general LCS membership may be called by the president, by at least three members of the executive board or by not less than ten (10) members of LCS.
Meeting times and dates shall be determined by agreement of the executive board members.
Committee meetings shall be held as determined by the chair of each committee.
Regular business meetings of LCS membership will be published in an annual calendar provided to members in August of each year.
Prior to any special meeting, or any meeting adjourned to a later date, as much notice as is practical shall be given to all LCS members.
Prior to any meeting of the executive board, as much notice as is practical shall be given to all executive board members.
A simple majority of the members of LCS attending any meeting, in person, shall constitute a quorum where notice has been given.
If a quorum is not present at a meeting of the LCS executive board, the meeting may be adjourned to a later date upon vote of a majority of those present.
All LCS members who have paid their dues may vote on any issue or question.
A simple majority of those members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be required for passage of any matter, except a two-thirds majority vote of such members shall be necessary to approve:
These by-laws
An amendment to these by-laws
Should LCS consider a motion to dissolve, a vote will be taken of voting members in accordance with Article X of the Association’s by-laws. Upon dissolution of the organization, all assets shall be distributed to an organization that is organized and operated exclusively for similar educational and professional support purposes. No part of these assets shall be disbursed to the benefit of any private individual or officer.
The executive board may appoint a committee to consider a revision to the LCS by-laws.
Written notice of proposed revisions to the LCS by-laws shall be given to all LCS members at least seven (7) days prior to a meeting at which they are scheduled to voted upon. Such notice shall specify the existing and proposed changes and the date on which the proposed changes shall be voted upon.
The executive board shall review these by-laws annually within the first month of taking office.
Adopted March 17, 2006
Amended April 15, 2016
Amended April 12, 2019